Chicago, Illinois
QuickBooks and Payroll Services


QuickBooks tips & tricks, payroll related issues, bookkeeping advice

Launching QuickBloggers
Kevin Harris - December 20, 2010

Welcome to QuickBloggers, the official blog of QuickSolvers, Inc. My name is Kevin Harris. A little over two years ago, out of work and looking to do something big, I put an ad on Craigslist which marketed my skills as a QuickBooks expert and freelance business consultant. Inquiries started coming in, clients followed, and a few months later I, along with my trusted group of “experts” (my wife Dori, our very good friends Mark & Jill, and my cousin-in-law Timm), developed the brand QuickSolvers. Actually we developed another brand originally, however a cease and desist letter from a staffing firm on the east coast put a quick end to that.

In the time since I posted that first ad, QuickSolvers has been hired by over 100 businesses for one or more of the services that we offer. Those services are QuickBooks training & consulting, payroll services (our fastest growing segment), bookkeeping, and accounting processes consulting. In short, we work with small businesses and their owners in helping them perform as efficiently as possible when it comes to anything on the accounting side.

The purpose of QuickBloggers is to provide our readers with quick reminders, tips, advice, and stories, within the range of services we offer. Our intention, same as the work we do everyday, is to give value to our readers. Whether it’s a QuickBooks tip (use the “Tab” key), payroll advice (outsource it!), a story about Jane Doe’s inefficient processes (billing out of Word and receivables in Excel???), or a reminder of a tax deadline (we’ll get a tax calendar up here soon), the primary goal of QuickBloggers is that our readers gain knowledge and are in a better position to succeed as a result of spending a few minutes with us. As a bonus we hope that you, our readers, will participate and also add value to QuickBloggers through comments and conversation about your own experiences. All feedback is appreciated and encouraged.

Speaking of feedback, there are two routes that you can take:

From the blog, as you see here, you have the opportunity to make comments which all of our visitors will be able to see. As stated, all feedback is appreciated and encouraged. In the unlikely event that an individual posts something that we deem inappropriate, we reserve the right to remove that posting from the blog.

If you would rather leave blog related feedback privately, you are welcome to email us at We read and reply to all emails.


Thank you in advance for your support and participation in QuickBloggers.

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